I know in the Bible when we get to the long list of names (so & so begot so & so) we usually just skip over it because it takes too much effort to read through it. But the genealogy that starts off Matthew 1 is one that you do not want to scan over. Look for key people in old Bible stories that you remember hearing in sunday school, such as: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Rahab (the prostitute), Boaz, Ruth, Jesse, King David, and King Solomon. These are all people in the lineage of Jesus. Not many people understand some of the overlooked details of the birth of Christ, and one of these is the fact that Jesus was not only Royalty in Heaven, but he was also in the line of royalty on earth; he was a descendent of King David. This is why King Herod wanted to kill Jesus, Herod knew that Jesus was called the "King of the Jews" even before Jesus was born.
If we hear the Christmas story every year, then we will become desensitized to it after a while. We will only hear the surface story, unlike when we first heard it. When we first heard it, it was brand new, exciting, and we wanted to know more. Now we don't think that there is anything left for us to learn because we've heard it so much. There is always something new to learn from any story in the Bible though. Everytime I read over the birth of Christ (in the many books and points of view it's presented in) I find something I hadn't noticed before. Anyone who thinks that they know a story down pat...THINK AGAIN. Not only think again, but read it again, study it again, meditate on it again. It could be the simplest of stories such as Adam & Eve, or Noah's Ark...but something else is there for you to learn.
Sometimes we get sucked into the world's view of Christmas, myself included. "It's all about the presents", the stuff, the material things, or even about the 'spirit' of Christmas found in our attitudes or giving to others...and yes, giving and a joyful spirit is important...but it is not the most important way we should view Christmas. The way we should look, is through the eyes of God. He sent His Son to be born on earth; full of sin, pain, and sorrow, and already knowing the consequences he would suffer for the purpose he was being sent for. The positive side though, is the purpose God sent Jesus, and that is that Jesus volunteered to take on a body of flesh, take on all sin at once, and get killed for it...for us. So that we could be seen blameless and live with Him for eternity!
How can we overlook the power in this story year after year?! What is Christmas to you? -- Dig deeper folks, dig deeper. Christmas can get crazy. Don't fall into the trap of the world's "Non-Christ-mas"... at this point in the year, you have to find your Silence in the Sound.
Merry CHRISTmas!
What is the "silence" in the sound?
The meaning of the title of my blog "Silence in the Sound" is a challenge we all face, to search for God's presence in the midst of the chaos. When everything is moving 1000mph around us, we search for answers, but can't slow down either. If we can STOP and LISTEN for the still voice of the LORD, then things will come into perspective. Oswald Chambers says, "God's silences are His answers...Are you still asking for a visible answer?... Are you mourning before God because you have not had an audible response?" Such as in John 11:5-6, it is not our timing for His answer...it's God's timing. We have to remember Psalm 46:10, "Be still, and know that I am God." Put on your headphones and drown out the sound of the hustle & bustle of the world, and tune into God's channel.
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