One of the guys in the Bible study I go to, RUF, once said to picture it this way,
"There are 100 people in the water (who have raped, killed, etc., to my family), 20 people I saved from the water, who obviously didn't deserve it, who I choose to love and not look at their sin anymore. The 80 that are left, I'm not condemning to death, I'm just not choosing to picking them -- be thankful that I even saved the 20."Humans do not get it because our minds are finite and people say "that's not a fair God!" but we're saying that from a human perspective, not through God's eyes. God is God, He can and will do what He pleases; He is just and fair.
I feel as if those who side with the idea that "man chooses or doesn't choose God" takes away from God's soveriegnty.Isn't our purpose on this earth, to give God the most glory possible, because He deserves it?? Then why do people take away His glory by giving themselves credit for salvation? We have no say, and rightly so...we don't deserve any say, but God chose us, though we didn't deserve it. To Him be the glory! And by this sovereign grace that He has poured out on us, He GETS the glory He deserves...though He deserves so much more than we can ever give Him. Time to get rid of our pride and human eyes and look through the eyes of the Lord, where you will find true Silence in the Sound.
LOVE THIS!! My little theologian! You have grown SO MUCH! What a thrill to see what the Holy Spirit has taught you about His sovereignty in salvation. You'll not get big accolades from man for believing this, but you'll get big ones from God!! I love you, Lauren.